Risa: the final frontier.
These are the voyages of the meme-ship Enterprise.
Its continuing mission: to explore strange new fads; to seek out new life and bring them into our fold; to boldly shitpost where no one has shitposted before!
And we've got another one caught in the tractor beam!
Hope you're enjoying it
I am! I thought it was boring when I was a kid, so I never watched it, but I'm really digging it now. I'm starting with the original series and it kinda reminds me of "The Twilight Zone" sometimes.
I was surprised how long the episodes are, but I'm ok with that because it slows down my ability to binge. It's like I just unlocked a metric-ton of new content to enjoy; not having to constantly search for something to watch
So yeah, I've been caught due to y'alls memes (of all things)... and I'm not mad at it lol
Glad to hear it! It's very much like the twilight zone in a lot of good ways (including Shatner).
I also watched it as a kid with my family, but it didn't really click untili was older. I watched it all the way through again in college, and I was able to appreciate it so much more.
It's been years since my last rewatch, but I've been slowly working through the original series again for the past few weeks. I love it.
Probably a spacial rift, caused by incoming tachyon particles, interacting with the plasma inducers in the warp core. You are only MOSTLY dead.