
    10 months ago

    LOL - this is what happens when you abstract everything into financial instruments; your brain turns to oatmeal

    • ☆ Yσɠƚԋσʂ ☆
      10 months ago

      It's honestly becoming comical, and this also means that US is in no position to be involved in a serious war at this point. There's no quick fix for the problem either.

    10 months ago

    You mean US infrastructure hasn't undergone vital upgrades and maintenance and has been slowly rotting for the past 40 years? Crazy! Next you'll tell me that their military and government are deeply corrupt!

    10 months ago




    (Sorry to those who have to suffer under the US dictatorship of incompetence.)

    • ★ Comrade Coyotl ☆
      10 months ago

      It’s okay, we understand. Parts of amerikkka already suffer from 4th world conditions (including within the boundaries of cities like Los Angeles), while our economic situation is intentionally made worse year after year. The police are a brutal occupying force that regularly kidnap, murder, deploy bearcats and incendiary munitions, etc., all we’re missing is air strikes at this point. The death of the war machine is the best case scenario for anyone who’s not rich.