• roastpotatothief@lemmy.ml
    8 months ago

    It's an interesting the gradual technical changes, from bullets to gas to bombs to depravation of water. They must measure big improvements in efficiency, measured in number of deaths per dollar and per day. Imagine of a report from a recent study on this got leaked!

    • DamarcusArt@lemmygrad.ml
      8 months ago

      It's not just advancements in the field of mass killing, it's also due to huge advancements in the science of training your populace to lack empathy and dehumanise the enemy.

    • doccitrus@lemmygrad.ml
      8 months ago

      the gradual technical changes, from bullets to gas to bombs to depravation of water

      I'd like to emphasize with you just how gradual that has been, comrade. Israel has been using criminal siege tactics against civilians, like we're seeing today, including the deprivation of access to electricity, food, clean water, and medical supplies, since at least the 1982 invasion of Lebanon— over forty years ago. But unlike the 1982-2000 war in Lebanon, of course, each time Israel has ratcheted up these techniques against Gaza, the Gazans were already and continuously surrounded, penned in, and totally dependent on the IDF for all of their infrastructure needs. The Gazans were pre-invaded, occupied ahead of time, pre-besieged.

      In the particular case of water, contaminated drinking water had already been a major source of disease in Gaza for years before this latest episode of escalating deprivation. There has been an astonishingly prolonged, unremitting march towards this point.