According to the tax statement, the Omidyar Network has contributed a total of $400,000 to American Compass since 2020. (In reality, Omidyar has donated $500,000, including forthcoming installments.) The Hewlett Foundation—a longtime supporter of National Public Radio—has accounted for more than one-third of American Compass’ total public support, giving a combined $1,486,000 over the same period, with an extra $475,000 dose this January.

That’s more than Hewlett gave to NPR or the Planned Parenthood Federation of America in the same timeframe.

The donations are striking because American Compass is a partner organization in Project 2025, a controversial right-wing think tank that has been building the policy and personnel firmament for a second Trump administration.

But y'know, you gotta vote for the "lesser evil", regardless of the lesser evil's tactics, regardless of where the lesser evil spends their money, regardless of who the lesser evil genocides in their homes-- you just gotta voot, and voot bloo, no matter whoooo 🙄

    8 months ago

    The Second Thought YouTube channel made a good video on this too, it doesn't deep dive but it gives a good summary of why it's bad.

  • GarfieldYaoi [he/him]
    8 months ago

    Are libs really this naive?

    "Oh no, look at all these horrible but extremely popular things the GOP wants to do! You wouldn't actually want to vote for exactly what you have been asking for, would you, American people?"

    • GarbageShoot [he/him]
      8 months ago

      Christofascism isn't popular with most of the country, it is just that the christofascists are arguably the single most organized voting bloc in the country

      8 months ago

      Basically, the Trumpist fringe's 'playbook' to more or less attempt to foist christofascist theocracy on the country under the hand of whoever wins the next Republican presidency(hence the name, they think 2025 is when this goes into effect), or so the breathless reporting about it makes it sound. Genuinely bad enough to make one question what liberal organizations are doing donating to think tanks curating polisci-offshoot college shooter-flavored manifestos like Project 2025.

      8 months ago

      Literally the crap-fanfic tactic where the writer wants to imply a 'correct' ship so they deliberately write the other leg of the triangle to be the most awful bastard possible

    8 months ago

    So support the greater evil?

    I don't want to get shot at all and do what I can to avoid it (like not hang out at elementary schools). But if it comes down to it, I would rather a blap in the ass than the face.

    • 陆船。
      8 months ago

      What exactly have demokkkrats done to protect you exactly? They had 2/3 branches of govt which is all that's required to coup the 3rd. And they did what pray tell? While whining about Roe also sponsored some "pro-life" candidates in elections. Their opposition is dinner theater.

          8 months ago

          If you really believe that, I have a stolen-and-settled bridge in Kansas to sell you. They're on the same fucking team, just playing a never-ending 'good cop, bad cop' routine-- and honestly, ever since y'all first started boiling the choices down to "support the segregationist cracker who penned the original pipeline Crime Bill of '94" or "support a literal reality show host", that was when I started fighting the greater evil.

          Amerika is that greater evil. You will never put up an even decent candidate. There will always be a legacy of racism, of genocide, of chauvinist exceptionalism, of western capitalism. No matter what color tie the cracker bastard wears, they will always be the greater evil that deserves to be fought, tooth and nail.

          Cracker ass.

          8 months ago

          Tens if not hundreds of millions of people across the world, whom the Democrats have bombed, starved, exploited and murdered exactly the same as the Republicans have, beg to differ.

          This "Democrats vs Republicans" idea is a false dichotomy. Democrats and Republicans are not two different opposing parties, they are two wings of the same uniparty. Voting for one is the same as voting for the other. They each continue each others' fascist, imperialist, genocidal policies. Republicans could not do what they do without Democrats and vice versa. By continuing to buy into the "lesser evil" narrative you are enabling them to keep pulling this trick on you over and over again.

          If there is a "lesser evil" it is that which most weakens and destabilizes the US, that which creates the maximum amount of internal conflict, of political-economic and social dysfunction, thus minimizing the harm they are able to inflict on the rest of the world.

        • D61 [any]
          8 months ago

          A knife 12 inches in your chest and a knife "only" 6 inches in your chest.... sweat .. damn.. choice be hard.

        • GarbageShoot [he/him]
          8 months ago

          I am not saying that the good cop is good, I am saying the bad cop is worse, so why shouldn't I take the good cop's advice and sign this confession?

          • Muad'Dibber@lemmygrad.mlM
            8 months ago

            Damn, I never thought of controlled opposition politics as being pretty much the same as the good-cop-bad-cop routine, ty.

        • the post of tom
          8 months ago

          And i am saying, again that by supporting Democrats you literally support Republicans and right wing think tanks. By voting for and donating to a group that funds fascism they have been tricking you into doing what you are claiming we are.

          The. Democratic. Party. Funds. The. Fascists. Then they tell you vote dem, to fight the guys they helped put there.

          I'm not saying i have an easy answer. Im just trying to show you that you don't fully see the problem yet.

    • Camarada
      8 months ago

      How about criticize both? Do you have to accept and defend one? By showing Democrats and Republicans are the same, we are already fighting the greater evil.

      8 months ago

      side 1 is funding the worst part of side 2

      “If you’re saying side 1 bad then you must mean you want me to support side 2.” 🤓