Right now, our DSA socialist slate candidates are running to build our movement — and they can win. Your support can help socialist candidates and ballot initiatives in 11 states cross the finish line!

In Rust Belt cities, DSA candidates are running exciting campaigns, and the capitalist class is scared:

India Walton is a nurse, organizer, and non-profit leader who’s running to be the first woman elected Mayor of Buffalo, New York. If she wins, she will be the only socialist mayor of a major US city.

In Ohio, service-industry worker Evan Holt is running for Cincinnati City Council. Evan’s campaign is all about improving working people’s lives every day! He'll fight for affordable housing, funding social services, and a liveable wage.

In Pennsylvania, Anita Prizio is running for Allegheny City Council on a platform of clean health, clean water, and affordable housing. Anita is an advocate for abused children and longtime fighter for single-payer healthcare, and she’s in to win!

Landis Spencer chairs Detroit DSA’s Black and Brown Alliance. He’s running to ensure that the Board of Police Commissioners exercises community oversight of the police. This includes ending mass surveillance, demilitarizing the police, and establishing alternatives to policing.

And in Massachusetts, Boston DSA has a chance to make history by electing a majority socialist city council in Somerville. This will be a living example of a city government working for people not profit and how socialism can improve the lives of workers. Check out these great socialist candidates!

Eve Seitchik is a former two-term co-chair of Boston DSA running for councilor at-large. Eve will fight to defund the police and reinvest funds into nonviolent social services, a Green New Deal for Somerville, and the construction of thousands of units of social housing.

Tessa Bridge is a long-time community organizer for affordable housing and against tax breaks for big developers. If elected, she will fight for a Green New Deal for Somerville, as well as against displacement by advocating for rent control and investing in social housing.

Becca Miller is an ecosocialist and climate justice organizer with DSA national and the Boston chapter. In office she will fight for a Green New Deal for Somerville, affordable housing, and social and economic equity in New England’s most densely developed city.

Kendra Hicks is a lifelong organizer, first-generation Black Dominican woman, and socialist running for Boston City Council. Kendra will fight for justice for communities impacted by environmental racism, strong public schools, and guaranteeing housing as a right.

And check out our exciting chapter campaigns in the South!

In Florida, Pinellas DSA is running a core DSA member and union teacher for St. Petersburg City Council. Richie Floyd is a science teacher, community activist, engineer and core DSA leader who has organized campaigns for $15 minimum wage, criminal justice reform, and more. The chapter is running the campaign at every level, and the campaign has more than doubled the active membership and increased diversity in the chapter. Every day they are developing new leaders who can run an electoral campaign from start to finish.

In Carrboro, North Carolina, Danny Nowell is running for Town Council to ensure development in Carrboro centers climate action and affordable housing! Danny has served in DSA branch leadership, and as fundraising chair, he led a pandemic relief fund that raised over $80k for local workers.

In Texas, Austin DSA has joined NO on Prop A, a coalition of unions, racial justice groups, immigrants’ rights groups, and environmentalists united against a ballot measure that would defund city services to hire more police officers. This is a class war where police and capitalists have united to undo recent gains by Austin DSA and Austin’s multiracial working class.

And from East to West, DSAers are fighting for affordable housing, labor power, and more:

Joel Brooks is a longtime union organizer running for city council in Jersey City on a platform of permanently affordable housing, a municipal Green New Deal, and a public safety agenda that stabilizes rather than upends people’s lives.

Bryan Lindstrom is running for Aurora City Council on a platform of housing for all, raising the minimum wage to a thriving wage, and funding alternatives to policing. Bryan is a union teacher who helped organize the 2018 Red for Ed teacher walkouts in Colorado.

And in Washington state, Whatcom DSA has joined with People First Bellingham to fight for a slate of ballot initiatives including rental relocation assistance, a ban on facial recognition technology, a neutrality in labor disputes requirement, and fair scheduling for hourly and gig workers.

Across the country, in cities big and small, DSA chapters are running campaigns to build working class power! Please invest in our movement and support these amazing chapters and their campaigns.

In solidarity,

DSA National Electoral Committee

PS: Join us Wednesday, 10/6 at 8pm ET/7pm CT/6pm MT/5pm PT for our Sidewalk Socialism in Somerville virtual rally! No matter where you live, you can learn more about their vision of Sidewalk Socialism and join the campaign.

  • invalidusernamelol [he/him]
    3 years ago

    As long as all this continues to be backed up by community outreach and fundraising/organizing it's really good. DSA has been one of like two places workers in my area were able to get info on their rights and where to get legal representation during last year.