hilariously blinkered article, the projection about "stovepiping" is a fun moment (Chalabi has entered the chat)

  • emizeko [they/them]
    3 years ago

    good comment from r/sino

    What perked my ears up more than anything was the claim that since China has improved the systems of investigation regarding unknown increases of income, it has become ever more difficult to bribe sources.

    On one hand, you're directly telling China that it's working beautifully. But even more importantly, you are admitting that the only real way to gain such intelligence is through bribes. Which means it's not going to be because a source believes in what America wants to do, not because the source feels oppressed by China, or wants to hurt China, but only out of greed. Says so much while saying so little.

  • CyberPoliceUnit1312 [he/him,any]
    3 years ago



    (the cope is very satisfying to read, "gathering intelligence" vs "stolen data" double standard through the article)

    • emizeko [they/them]
      3 years ago

      China “collects bulk personal data to help it track dissidents or other perceived enemies of China around the world,” Evanina, the top U.S. counterintelligence official, said.


    • emizeko [they/them]
      3 years ago

      "you see when we do it, it's good"

      paywall so here's the archive link for others
