Incredibly based

      8 months ago

      To be fair, calling for a great war against the hegemon BASICALLY means WW3, but I see what you're saying. They're seething at the mouth to justify pummeling a country to ashes

        8 months ago

        Yeah exactly this.

        I read the article about strikes on Yemen in Polish media yesterday and entire article was just repeating the words "terrorism", "piracy" and "Iran-backed" ad nauseam, while not mentioning anything else, like the Ansar Allah stance for example. It was just that the evil Iran, for the sake of pure evil, employ the Houthis to indiscrimiately attack the good and completely innocent "international community" and US goes to the rescue of evertyhing that is good and right. They also straight up lie about Houthis being just a terror group rebels controlling small part of the country.

          8 months ago

          Same here in the states. Just frothing to give an excuse to start the bloodshed with all the buzzwords you included. Jihadist, terrorist, etc

      8 months ago

      You don't think that America falling would advance the revolution? I don't need them to explicitly say "yes this is a Marxist-Leninist revolution"