This system is really cool, but it seems like not that many people are playing it. I think the name "suited" is probably not helping the matter... While clever, it makes it kinda hard to google.

It's somewhat of a "rules-lite" type, with all the pros and cons that come with that. One of those cons being that most things are sort of up to the GM's judgement, and I am very new to GMing. With a lot of other similarly rules-lite systems, there's a community offering their experiences and things they found helpful. Suited doesn't seem to have much of that, but maybe some people here have played it and would like to share?

    11 months ago

    I haven't played suited but it's worth asking if you've played it or GM'd it already and if you have, did you feel lacking? Or are you wanting to be as prepared as possible for your game before the first session?

    • Remy
      11 months ago

      I have GMed it a couple times, never been a player. Not really enough to get a feel for it yet, I guess? It didn't feel lacking, but I also want to get the most out of it.