When we engage primarily online, our echo chambers keep us apart. But the truckers inserted their messy, physical, salt-of-the-earth reality into the urbane pseudo-reality that holds all cultural & political power. For a brief moment, the power balance shifted to team reality.

holy shit...it's true what they say: "all reactionary politics is sublimated sexual pathology"

Repressive tolerance is the operating system of the cultural elite. They cannot and will not tolerate this incursion, this infringement of their freedom to not have to engage with those whose temperament or life circumstances place them squarely on team reality.

"(((they))) don't want to engage with fascists who try to drive into striking union workers" - PMC Karen can only use historical materialism for other petite bourgeois nazis

I'm not sure where we go from here, but I have a better understanding of my ancestors who packed up their entire village and moved across the ocean.

stay woke about the reptilian alien invasion, folks. These demonic fascist imposers walk among us :sus-torment: