(Archived link.)

An economic dispute between the U.S. and Venezuela is creating yet another instance of vulnerable migrants being used as bargaining chips. The situation has to do with economic sanctions levied by the U.S. in retaliation against Venezuela allegedly failing to fulfill terms of an agreement, which in turn has led Venezuela to threaten to reject deportation flights from the U.S. No word on whether either country cares about the best or most humanitarian solution for the migrants themselves.

The U.S. will try to take the moral high ground on this matter, but the negotiations over the border bill show that seemingly no one in power is above using vulnerable people for political gain at the expense of those vulnerable people.

(Taken from an email sent to me by Never Again Action. I can’t say that I approve of the ‘both sides’ vibe that their commentary on this particular news is giving me, but oh well. It is what it is.)