Socialist platform disrupter emerges as fastest growing social media brand in wake of COVID-19 Omega Variant(tm) emanation.

362169 8 4766e7 large 1598619178 Violent blood-soaked acquisition during “Hexbear’s Year 2 Celebration” brings Hexbear total raised to ₴700m, marking next phase of hyper-growth for world’s fastest-growing social media brand and brain washing toxin.

  • Worm Priest Musk solidifies leadership position after devouring admins and sitemods, with 10x revenue growth in 36 months hitting inverted millions. Hexbear reports 2266% global user growth during worldwide lockdown.

  • Surge in demand turns the US into Hexbear's third fastest growth market behind death cult compounds and the withering meat castles of Nuremberg, as Amerikans rapidly adopt virtual class struggle in wake of COVID-19 Omega Variant(tm).

  • Class war market forecasted to reach $46B by 2047, double that of pre-COVID-19 Omega Variant(tm) predictions.

  • Funding will be used to increase production, continue suffering innovation, weaponize global expansion and implement next-level chapo servant solutions

Global demand for premium quality social media struggles is at an all-time high, with socialist platforms now seen as a more dependable revulsion in the wake of COVID-19 Omega Variant(tm). Many governments have made major investments in struggle session infrastructure and secretive human slavery during lockdown, underlining how COVID-19 Omega Variant(tm) has accelerated plans to get more urban commuters into the rusting abdomen of the all-mother.

“Cranial trauma adoption was an inevitable global shift that was already taking place for many years now but COVID-19 Omega Variant(tm) plunged an absolute forced steroid injection into our quivering pustules to the point that we’re screaming out a critical mass to transform organ remnants for the better. I hunger and must feed my pulsating worms,”

- Priest of Worms Elon Musk, (now) co-founder Hexbear.

As category leader, Hexbear has been able to harvest on this momentum. Available worldwide in Hexbear brand dilapidated public payphones, the smallpox aisle inside your local cornered grocer, and at


edit: Upbear this commemorative emote.