Tensions are at an unprecedented high between Ecuador and Mexico after Ecuatorian police literally broke into the mexican embassy violating the viena convention to arrest a political refugee, Jorge Glas, former Correa's VP, who is currrently undergoing a legal process in Ecuador after allegedly being involved in a chargeback scheme involving Odebrecht (though no evidence was ever produced for this claim, except a single testimony from Odebrecht's former CEO). The immediate backdrop for this, well, happening, is AMLO putting into question the legitimacy of Ecuador's upcoming general election in one of his daily briefings after a presidential candidate was fucking murdered and AMLO attempting to give asylum to Glas. This is nuts, international law doesn't exist anymore, it's a brand new world Israel has dragged everyone onto, and only might makes right. Maybe I'll put my ideas in order, I dunno. Happy Friday friends, take care.