• EmmaGoldman [she/her, comrade/them]M
    2 年前

    It would rule so much if the US had put in all this effort to fuck with Iran only to have it become a socialist state after all and ally with China.

        • RamrodBaguette [comrade/them, he/him]
          2 年前

          Err, kinda. Iran is still as aligned against America and with its rivals as if it were a socialist nation. But while the US decided at some point that they value Iran more as an MIC-justifying bogeyman than a friend (them ripping up the Iran Deal), it's coming back to bite them in the ass with the rise of the opposing pole.

          Then again, maybe we're ascribing too much rational thought to the American ruling class, since it's apparent that even they don't know what the fuck they want.

          • EmmaGoldman [she/her, comrade/them]M
            2 年前

            That's kind of what the us wanted though, a bogeyman to justify militarism, to prevent the spread of socialism, and to prevent the region from unifying

            • RamrodBaguette [comrade/them, he/him]
              2 年前

              The US wanted to prevent the spread of socialism because it threatened the interests of the American ruling class. Now, they pushed Iran towards the opposing pole with China at the helm, a socialist country to boot.

              So yeah, it succeeded at justifying militarism and destabilizing the Middle East, but not liquidating Iran as a threat.

            • AssadCurse [none/use name]
              2 年前

              The US actually wants strong enemies opposing it. That’s why is you are anti-US, you should also oppose the American’s enemies. American imperialism will end once it rules the Earth completely unopposed with no strong enemies.


              Can’t wait to hear the next mental gymnastics westerners come up with to avoid their revolutionary defeatist duty

    • AssadCurse [none/use name]
      2 年前

      They are allied with China and Russia currently already, or rather on extremely friendly and military-cooperative terms. America’s worst fear of all their victims combining into a solid bloc against them instead of separate, isolated nations is coming to pass already. America bungled it massively by attacking China and Russia at the same time with hybrid war, while also destroying the Iran deal. They should have picked one or two of them to destroy at a time while cozying up to the others, but it seems the imperialist ideologues at the wheel have no restraint

      • Commander_Data [she/her]
        2 年前

        If you say anything negative about a country that hates the US you're automatically branded :cia: by certain users of this this website.

        • bbnh69420 [she/her, they/them]
          2 年前

          I'm usually those users lol, but Iran's protests just seem like the result of a conservative society with unaccountable cops, rather than the color revolution some are calling it

          • Commander_Data [she/her]
            2 年前

            Yeah, the young woman who died was Kurdish, the protests started in Kurdistan, and the Kurds will happily revolt against the Ayatollah without any help from the CIA. Frankly, the hexbear line that any antipathy towards a regime unfriendly to the US must be due to outside influence is pretty dismissive of the agency of oppressed people.

            • AssadCurse [none/use name]
              2 年前

              any antipathy towards a regime unfriendly to the US must be due to outside influence is pretty dismissive of the agency of oppressed people

              Why aren’t you considering the lived experience of Miami Cubans and the Falun Gong? It’s pretty dismissive to the agency of oppressed people. You privileged white leftists should stop talking over POC :fedposting:

                • AssadCurse [none/use name]
                  2 年前

                  Nope, but made up narratives that incite civil unrest in our enemies almost certainly involve CIA and US empire media perpetuating them

                  • Commander_Data [she/her]
                    2 年前

                    Yes. A healthy 20 year old woman dies from COVID, a deep cover CIA asset bribes her family to say her body was bruised and manages to orchestrate near country wide protests is definitely the most likely scenario. You've cracked the code! Fucking CommAnon is real.

                    • AssadCurse [none/use name]
                      2 年前

                      People die randomly from medical ailments all time, even young healthy people.

                      Then western aligned comprador media groups and NGOs all get ahold of the random death and start to weaponize it for their own agenda.

                      Western mainstream media picks it up and perpetuates it.

                      CIA calls in their favors with all their assets within Iran to start pushing discontent.

                      It’s not that complicated, it’s what happened in Hong Kong. You sound like a credulous liberal

                        • AssadCurse [none/use name]
                          2 年前

                          Better than a NPR lib who regurgitates NED propaganda

                          Again, reminding everyone here this woman did not die of “police brutality” and this entire crisis is FAKE

                          • Commander_Data [she/her]
                            2 年前

                            Oh man. You put fake in all caps, it must be true. Oh no, you called me an NPR lib, how will I ever recover? How many alts are you on at this point, Serbian MILF, I mean Zposter? What a life. Banned from Twitter, banned multiple times from this site. Maybe the world is trying to tell you something.

                            • AssadCurse [none/use name]
                              2 年前

                              Whatever convoluted narrative you need to weave to ignore the plain and simple evidence in front of you that you fell for propaganda and refuse to admit it

                              Who’s this zposter? Sounds based

                              • Commander_Data [she/her]
                                2 年前

                                You're the expert in creating narratives. Your hatred for the US has blinded you to any other possibility other than a CIA plot. People who live in countries that are not under the thumb of the US can be upset with their leaders. They're allowed to demonstrate against those governments. Regardless of whether or not the woman's death was causes by police those are real people, with real grievances. Do you know and Iranians? I do. We've had long talks about how the revolution was co-opted by the Islamists and that there are many people in Iran who are not happy.

                                • AssadCurse [none/use name]
                                  2 年前

                                  They’re allowed to demonstrate against those governments.

                                  I’m not talking about them, I’m talking about you and the other chauvinists in this thread repeating lies. You are not allowed to join in on imperialist intrigues against nations your empire is at war with. That’s chauvinism.

                                  Regardless of whether or not the woman’s death was causes by police those are real people, with real grievances.

                                  Ok, and there’s nothing you can do to alter the situation in Iran except join the imperialist mob of your own empire

                                  Western leftists want to imagine themselves as platonic universal creatures able to cast judgment from the heavens. You are a material, specific creature from a specific political region

                                  • Commander_Data [she/her]
                                    2 年前

                                    So the people demonstrating aren't the problem, it's us western leftists besmirching the reputation of the Iranian moral police? Your main concern is the cops. Very cool.

                                    • AssadCurse [none/use name]
                                      2 年前

                                      The problem in this thread specifically is you and the other users repeating western lies and getting embroiled in pro-American imperialist intrigue.

                                      My main concern is your social chauvinism and narrative bolstering of imperialism

                                      • Commander_Data [she/her]
                                        2 年前

                                        So supporting the people in Iran that want to be free of the theocracy is pro-american social chauvinism? Self-determination is now imperialism? What?

                                        • AssadCurse [none/use name]
                                          2 年前

                                          Supporting it from America or the west, while your empire has its crosshairs trained on Iran, and making up stories - yes that is chauvinism

                                          wow are you a Saddam supporter?!? You don’t support saving the lives of the babies in incubators? You don’t support the Iraqi people overthrowing tyranny???

                        • Mrtryfe [none/use name]
                          2 年前

                          Sounding like Alex Jones is when you consider American foreign policy since the turn of the 19th century

            • bbnh69420 [she/her, they/them]
              2 年前

              True there's a tendency to oversimplify overseas domestic conflict, and also that exact line, about the denying the agency of chosen dissenters has been specifically weaponized to give cover for regime change ops, most recently, to my recollection, in Bolivia and Cuba. You're still correct imo in this case

              • AssadCurse [none/use name]
                2 年前

                How are they correct in a case that’s literally made up? Video evidence shows she collapses due to a medical reason and there was no evidence of police brutality.

            • ElGosso [he/him]
              2 年前

              Frankly, the hexbear line that any antipathy towards a regime unfriendly to the US must be due to outside influence is pretty dismissive of the agency of oppressed people.

              This is the same line that libs trout out every time there is a color revolution

        • AssadCurse [none/use name]
          2 年前


          It’s not just “something negative” it’s an entirely made-up narrative, right at a crucial moment in geopolitics

          This is trot behavior and reeks of chauvinism

          • Commander_Data [she/her]
            2 年前

            And you're pushing CIA supplied crisis actors in Iran of all places. I'm a trot, I'm an anarcho-bidenist, I'm a chauvinist, but at least I'm not on some Alex Jones level conspiracy bullshit.

      • ElGosso [he/him]
        2 年前

        I did a little googling on ISA, they come out of a Trotskyist org called CWI that split in 2019. The main faction eventually reformed into ISA, while the splitting faction accused the remainers of ignoring trade union agitation, and not incorporating class analysis in their work on advancing gender equality and LGBTQ rights.

        Could be nothing, could be made-up, or the main faction could be following the wrecker playbook :shrug-outta-hecks: who can say

  • Farman [any]
    2 年前

    She died of covid tho. She was not beaten by the police. Its propaganda.

      • bbnh69420 [she/her, they/them]
        2 年前

        Here's an account that's pretty vociferous about the protests being a color revolution along with a video that allegedly shows how she died and an alleged CT scan report

        Cw: death


        • Farman [any]
          2 年前

          Yes this is esentially what i found previously. Looks a lot like the young people ding of long covid.

          What does cw:death means?

          • DivineChaos100 [none/use name]
            2 年前

            And it also looks like someone with an aneurysm dying.

            Why was the CT done on her? If she died of covid why did the government deem her death "an accident" right away?

            • Farman [any]
              2 年前

              She got the scan because she went to the hospital. She died a day later. The scan was probably part of the diagnosis procedure. As for the accident thing dont know about how they asing causes of death. And i asume provig it was long covid is harder.

              What i know is that you hardly see any police and unlike in the us they dont have much power to do anything. The so called morality police less so. So from the start that aspect seems wierd. Then there is the rest of the context.

              It seems like it was made up. Jyst like the crap about north korea. Or the woman las month who was arrested in turkey for human trafiking and tgen extradited to iran who the western press said was a gey activist.