First and foremost, absolutely fuck fiscal austerity and laissez-faire, there is nothing natural about this, only consequence of shit political choices, such as scraping environment disaster prevention, basically no relief efford funding, global warming denial and shredding of environment protection laws.

  • ejra212 [he/him/his]
    2 months ago

    I feel for the people of Brazil who are going through this hell. This I believe, will go on because of global warming. Death to KKKapitaliSSm and to it's ghoulSS. May it all surely be damned to hell. porky-scared-flippedstalin-gun-1stalin-gun-2

      2 months ago

      Global warming my ass. This is the excuse politicians want to give for not not investing any money in civil security

        2 months ago

        It is both. Global warming will make these incidents more frequent. And there's the corruption and negligence of the bourgeois government, which treats whatever is of public use like shit.

        In Brazil we are very much used to hypocritical, greedy, sadistic and corrupt politicians.

          2 months ago

          Every couple of years theres floodings in Rio Grande do Sul. If they dont invest in infrastructure you cant blame global warming for it

          • Kras
            2 months ago

            You can't blame climate change for the flood itself, but it is part of the reason one of the rivers reached 30 meters tall, the highest recorded in there.

            And since capitalism is to blame for the current crisis of climate change, it is connected with this tragedy.

        2 months ago

        what are you saying? this in a sane regime should be an incentive to raise public funding even more, in prevention, damage control and most importantly, environment restoration

  • Kras
    2 months ago

    Some context for anyone wondering: this was absolutely preventable. The governor of the state of Rio Grande do Sul, Eduardo Leite, knew this happens at this time of the year but not only did he not do anything, the investment in preventing this was basically null. A flood also happened last year and he did nothing too.

    One of the rivers rose up to 30 meters this time.

    After the flood this time around he resorted to Twitter to beg president Lula for help, which is absolutely weird and pathetic to do. Not only that, but now he is asking for donations to the state to help people. This could have been prevented or at the very least mitigated if there was proper funding.

    Hopefully there is a lot of groups there helping like MTST and people from all over the country are donating to different groups to help those in need right now.

    My heart goes out to everyone suffering because of the flooding right now, the number of desperate people I'm seeing on Twitter sharing pictures of people missing after the flood is absolutely devastating.

    Fuck Eduardo Leite and fuck capitalism.

      2 months ago

      The real and original definition of Capitalism is government by the property owning class contrary to the current Pax Americana redefinition in paper to mean minimal government intervention that provides fake definition of Capitalism in real life. I will presume that the governor of Rio Grande is one of the authoritarian Capitalist government that depends on rigged election and support from British diaspora, and that the governor extracted tax, properties, land, and support from the victims of the flood through dishonest means and refuse to bear accountability that comes with authority.

        2 months ago

        an update to you, since u talked about extracting taxes and land.

        the governor of the state published a monetary fund account for peoples donation, turns out that this fund isn't governmental, it is a private fund made my banks to fucking steal money from people trying to help the affected by the rains.

        i get why lenin died of multiple strokes, it is impossible to be a fucking human being without getting stressed as fuck.

      2 months ago

      yeah, i donated a little to mtst, wish i could donate more, but im unemployed. something that pisses me off is that when the crises pass, groups like mst and mtst will be persecuted again, after making thankless efforts to help people.