I wanna self-study a bunch, with the goal of having an idea of how to organize better.

Is this a good reading list?


Stage 1 - Introduction

  • The Principles of Communism by Engels
  • The Foundations of Leninism by Stalin
  • Dialectical and Historical Materialism by Stalin
  • Introduction to Political Economy by the Economic Institute of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR

Stage 2 - Intermediate

  • Socialism: Utopian and Scientific by Engels
  • The State and Revolution by Lenin
  • Wage-Labor and Capital by Marx
  • Value, Price, and Profit by Marx

Stage 3 - Advanced

  • Imperialism: the Highest Stage of Capitalism by Lenin
  • Marxism and the National Question by Stalin
  • Oppose Book Worship by Mao
  • Where Do Correct Ideas Come From? by Mao
  • On Practice by Mao
  • On Contradiction by Mao

Stage 4 - Organization

  • Get Organized! by Mao
  • Serve the People by Mao
  • The Revolutionary Path by Hồ Chí Minh
  • The Dual Power by Lenin
  • "Left-Wing" Communism: an Infantile Disorder by Lenin
  • Some Questions Concerning Methods of Leadership by Mao
  • On the Party: Concerning the Mass Line of Our Party by Liu Shaoqi
  • On the Party: Democratic Centralism Within the Party by Liu Shaoqi
  • How to be a Good Leader by Zhou Enlai
  • On Correcting Mistaken Ideas in the Party by Mao
  • Reform our Study by Mao
  • Combat Liberalism by Mao
  • Correct Handling of Contradictions by Mao


  • Blackshirts and Reds: Rational Fascism and the Overthrow of Communism by Parenti
  • Reform or Revolution by Luxemburg
  • Why Socialism? by Einstein
    5 months ago

    I don't see anything wrong with this list. I've read the majority of works listed here and would say if you read all of these you'll be quite well read, but don't stop once you are done here.

    Personally I've never liked classifying things as beginner, intermediate, or advanced and just read what I feel like at the time.

    Sometimes it is also easier to read a few works in a row by the same author. For example you have Lenin spread in different levels but it might be easier to read those one after another since these authors do all have a bit of stylistic differences and when they are mentioning other people you won't have to look up the person repeatedly if they are fresh in your mind from their other works

  • 小莱卡
    5 months ago

    Love it, it's rare to see Dialectical and historical materialism as an introductory text but it is completely correct and i regularly advocate for it. Dialectical Materialism is Marxism, and it is a crime against humanity hearing people claim they're Marxists but have no understanding of dialectics.

    5 months ago

    they seem to have books, pdf and epubs for each stages, which has the contents of the stages in book format. which is pretty nice

    5 months ago

    If you're pretty new check out this one as well

  • Kras
    5 months ago

    I'm not yet well read, but I'm currently reading more theory. I think Why Socialism? by Einstein shouldn't just be a honorable mention, it is pretty good as a first text to read, specially if you want to send to someone that does not know much about communism since it is such a simple text. I would add The Three Sources and Three Component Parts of Marxism by Lenin after The Principles of Communism by Engels helps a lot, it's a pretty short text that is very approachable.