On reddit (:face vomiting:) you can make multireddits. If you're unfamiliar, they're basically just a list/group of subreddits. You can then scroll through a multireddit and see content from all its subs.

Say there was a movie, tv, anime, and youtube community, and you wanted to scroll through them all to find something to watch. You could group them into a multireddit, and scroll through them all, all at once.

Anyway, this would be great plz, but also would help a lot for moderators who moderate more than one community.

I would love to be able to make a list of all the communities I moderate, set it to new, and watch all the new posts from all those communities as they're made. Would make my job a whole lot easier :)

I know you're busy, devs, but this is a standard 'reddit-clone' feature, so whenever you have the time, please :) :heart-sickle: