wages in the USA need a ~50 or 100% increase in most places. Yet the only increase that most workers have seen recently has been an increase to tipping. The amount of places that ask for tips has easily doubled in the last 2 years. There is tipping everywhere now and while I want workers to get more money, I am also a worker. 20% extra on a large amount of purchases I make is pretty rough. Should I tip workers who get paid more than I do? Should I tip while unemployed? Its confusing and awkward to make the decision to tip or not.
It'd be nice to just commit to something clear. What do y'all do?
It is customary to tip everyone you see, and for them to tip you. Just constantly be handing wads of sweaty $1 between yourself and everyone around you at all times. This is called The Economy and it must be kept moving at all times. or there will be consequences. Consequences.
reminds of this joke: two economists are walking in a park when they come across a pile of dog shit. one economist says to the other, "i'll give you $50 to eat that dog shit." after performing a cost/benefit analysis, the other economist agrees, eats the shit, and accepts his hard-earned $50. as they continue their walk they come across another pile of dog shit. the economist who ate the feces earlier offers the same deal to his walking buddy, "ill give you $50 to eat this pile." the economist agrees and earns his $50. a few minutes later one of them says to the other, "it feels like we both ate dog shit for nothing." "nonsense!" says the other economist, "we just contributed $100 to our country's GDP!"