Been seeing a lot of people coming in here handwringing about 'red fash' and 'muh authoritarianism.'

Figuring that this will be a common occurrence for a while, so wanted to make a collective thread here. The purpose of this is to just have one spot as so we don't fill up the comm with a ton of posts about it.

Post away, comrades!

  • RamrodBaguette [comrade/them, he/him]
    1 year ago

    Thing is, there's plenty of valid criticism from Marxist-Leninists about the actions of the USSR and PRC in those specific instances. The CPC themselves will tell you they could have handled certain things better (and they've improved since then). The issue is the fact this user brings up those two events in particular and specifically label it "the Holodomor" which means you'll know what to expect.

    (That said, it's important to separate baby leftists from libs acting in bad faith, and to be patient with the former. Lots of us have been there)

    • TreadOnMe [none/use name]
      1 year ago

      The issue is, and always has been, that it is possible to educate baby leftists when the majority are "tankies". When the majority of a forum are libs acting in bad faith, there is no sustainable way to sort through the nonsense.

      Burnout is a real thing that needs to be accounted for.