• GreenMario@lemm.ee
    1 year ago

    Oh trust me black girls loved Little mermaid way before this.

    Source: went to school in the 90s. Kids just "liked shit"

    With that said I bet money that Disney does the race swap to piss off conservatives so they vote in their assholes that will keep corporate tax low/non existent.. much like how YouTube will immediately send you down that Nazi path the second you watch anything remotely political. All about that taxes.

  • Rainmanslim@lemm.ee
    1 year ago

    Y'know what? Fuck all of you pseudo-progressive pieces of shit.

    I'm black, I was born and raised in Baltimore, I was raised Muslim cos my parents converted a few months before I was born.

    I'm sick of you (white) communist pieces of shit thinking you speak for us. I wanted to post this meme cos it's fucking true and cos I think it's a funny joke. Is there a race element? Yes there is, but you fucks are so far up your own self righteous assholes that you can't see past that to see this for what it is. A joke.

    Fuck all y'all.