shitty google translation cuz too lazy to translate:

They are born old, and they grow younger throughout life The Americans And they are born convinced that there is no one in the world That is more important than the Americans

Napoleon for them, was an Italian gentleman, who organized 'the thing' Without Americans; And they are more than sure, that they would not have lost Waterloo with the help... of the Americans

If they know history, it is not from having read, but from having watched it In American cinema, With great stages, and grandiose music In the subtle style of the Americans

With big jaws, from chewing gum so much It is very common to see them, the Americans Wearing a thousand colors, all but Black Which they do not consider to be of American taste

When they are older, they dress as tourists And they go out into the world, the Americans On an organized trip, with romance included In the long run paid, by the Americans

If there is something to be admired, wherever they go It is the great elegance of the Americans With typical outfits, they mingle with the people And nobody realizes that they are Americans

And besides they always buy, valuable old things Recently aged, for Americans And then at home, they receive friends Who praise the good taste of Americans

And in the nightclubs, after a few drinks They feel inspired, the Americans And it is very common to find them, dancing without rest Wasting the grace of the Americans

Well my friends, enough for now, I told you what I could About the Americans And if you see them... if you see them... give my respectful regards to the Americans