More like cracker-up, am i right?
Anyway nice summation of dipshittery of the dems, for those seeking storing one single thing instead of screenshots
Chuck Todd: “I think John Fetterman could be a North Star for the party. He’s a guy who’s figured out how to win. He’s basically a working-class Democrat who has stayed a Democrat while all of his brethren have basically moved toward Trump. I think Fetterman could play a pretty big role in how the party’s going to get wherever it goes to next. Fetterman sees to get it. Look where he was on Israel, too.”
Yeah, those watching cnn/msnbc are probably in complete melted state rn.
Tbf, the amount of wine and bars that must have been consumed amongst the neolib ghouls in the last couple of days, I’m surprised they can even type a tweet
The ghouls are re-negotiating future ad contracts tbh, they gonna go back bayybbeeee. Excited to learn what muellershewrote would do. The viewers tho, idk, they arent ghouls, just typical tv melts
The utter contempt for marginalized groups expressed by Democratic representatives and pundits is absolutely mind blowing.
They are begging to lose for the next decade.