My dude replied to my comment warning about giving out personal info by giving further identifying details about himself lol
I'm going to stop now because I legit don't want to dox this guy but our friend did the exact thing I speculated about in my comment, detailing a major world event and his year in school, on a reddit account using the same username and associated with a leftist community. There is almost 0 chance I couldn't use public records to text him his own address in the next 10 minutes.
My dude replied to my comment warning about giving out personal info by giving further identifying details about himself lol
I'm going to stop now because I legit don't want to dox this guy but our friend did the exact thing I speculated about in my comment, detailing a major world event and his year in school, on a reddit account using the same username and associated with a leftist community. There is almost 0 chance I couldn't use public records to text him his own address in the next 10 minutes.