I wanted to plug both George Dimitrovs seminal work "The Fascist Offensive"

Alongside this Maoist (I believe) publishing house that has produced some really high quality PDFs of Marxist texts https://foreignlanguages.press/foundations/

From Page 1 of the linked book

Comrades, as early as its Sixth Congress, the Communist Inter-national warned the world proletariat that a new fascist offensive was impending, and called for a struggle against it. The Congress pointed out that “in a more or less developed form, fascist tendencies and the germs of a fascist movement are to be found almost everywhere.”

With the outbreak of the present most profound economic crisis, the sharp accentuation of the general crisis of capitalism and the revo-lutionisation of the toiling masses, fascism has embarked upon a wide offensive. The ruling bourgeoisie is more and more seeking salvation in fascism, with the object of instituting exceptionally predatory measures against the toilers, preparing for an imperialist war of plunder, attack-ing the Soviet Union, enslaving and partitioning China, and by all these means preventing revolution.Imperialist circles are endeavouring to place the whole burden of the crisis on the backs of the toilers. That is why they need fascism.

They are trying to solve the problem of markets by enslaving the weak nations, by intensifying colonial oppression and repartitioning the world anew by means of war. That is why they need fascism.They are striving to forestall the growth of the forces of revolution by smashing the revolutionary movement of the workers and peasants and by undertaking a military attack against the Soviet Union—the bul-wark of the world proletariat. That is why they need fascism.

In a number of countries, Germany in particular, these imperialist circles have succeeded, before the masses have decisively turned towards revolution, in inflicting defeat on the proletariat and establishing a fascist dictatorship.

But what is characteristic of the victory of fascism is the fact that this victory, on the one hand, bears witness to the weakness of the pro-letariat, disorganised and paralysed by the disruptive Social-Democratic policy of class collaboration with the bourgeoisie and, on the other, expresses the weakness of the bourgeoisie itself, afraid of the realisation of a united struggle of the working class, afraid of revolution, and no longer in a position to maintain its dictatorship over the masses by the old meth-ods of bourgeois democracy and parliamentarism.

The victory of fascism in Germany, Comrade Stalin said at the Sev-enteenth Congress of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union,

"...must be regarded not only as a symptom of the weakness of the working class and as a result of the betrayal of the working class by Social-Democracy, which paved the way for fascism; it must also be regarded as a symptom of the weakness of the bourgeoisie, as a symptom of the fact that the bourgeoisie is already unable to rule by the old methods of parliamentarism and bourgeois democracy, and, as a consequence, is compelled in its home policy to resort to terroristic methods of admin-istration—it must be taken as a symptom of the fact that it is no longer able to find a way out of the present situation on the basis of a peaceful foreign policy, as a consequence of which it is compelled to resort to a policy of war."