Like is this even remotely a surprise? Trump could barely coordinate a breakfast buffet at the white house.

  • thefunkycomitatus [he/him,they/them]
    4 years ago

    This is just to buy time. When it's 6 months from now and the vaccine situation isn't different they'll just blame it on Trump. I mean I legit believe he had no plan and that should be obvious to anyone. Biden's team should have already come up with a plan before now. I get that you can't make a perfect plan blindly, without knowing exactly who is involved and what's currently going on with distribution. But you can get at least 70% there blindly.

    And anyone should have realized Trump's plan wasn't working and would need to be thrown out anyways. So they're getting into the office and they're realizing everything is fucked and they can't do anything. They know they didn't make any real plans so far. Now they have to undo Trump's shit and then be competent, which they already can't do the latter. It's double work and now it's time to start lowering expectations. We'll hear all this expose shit about how bad of a shape everything is. How they can't do anything because it's so bad. They're going to need a year or two to get things right, maybe another term.

    The right will immediately jump on them if this shit isn't solved in a week. This will cause libs to backlash against any criticism of Biden. To say he's being slow is to be a right wing helper or undercover agent. That means no serious criticism is allowed and the Dems have thousands of free PR workers to cover for them. The media sure as fuck isn't going to criticize them. We'll all be told to settle and just be glad Trump is gone. If you want everything fixed you need to vote in 2022 and 2024. Same as it ever was.

    • jack [he/him, comrade/them]
      4 years ago

      Well so far he's not moving slow on COVID. Tons of executive actions today to improve vaccine distribution and data gathering.

      • thefunkycomitatus [he/him,they/them]
        4 years ago

        I mean he appointed a guy to a thing, brought back a committee on global health hat Trump eliminated, and we're talking to the WHO again. Fauci is in a leadership role on the response which isn't saying much. He also did a mandate for masks on federal property and by federal employees. As far as I can tell that's it on the covid-specific EOs being signed. None of these are decisive plans of action, they're just minor administrative adjustments.

        I tempered my first post enough to be fair to Biden. We don't need to be more fair. We do not, under any circumstances, have to hand it to him. Forming a committee to form a plan is not forming a plan and it's not having a plan. My criticism of Trump is also not having a real plan. So rest assured the fairness meter is as high as it needs to be.

        • jack [he/him, comrade/them]
          4 years ago

          That's from yesterday. Today there was an implementation of the defense production act to increase vaccine production, a federal property and transit mask mandate, OSHA requirements, and compensation for state government's pandemic programs. I do not know why you are so concerned with fairness but ok, I'm glad you're being fair.

          • read_freire [they/them]
            4 years ago

            listen here jack (sorry I had to; also...uh, let me be clear I'm not coming at you with the rest of this comment)

            Idk how it's going to play out for sure but making strong predictions about no difference between the two on covid in particular seems like a bad tactic, shit like this is something technocrats can actually handle (i.e. katrina vs. sandy).

            The thing to highlight is that it's still going to be racist/corrupt (i.e. vaccine distribution is going to be in disproportionately white/affluent places), and the fundamental contradiction that the guvmint can set up free vaccine clinics but somehow nationalized health care is impossible. If there's a giveaway to insurers in the form of bullshit public-private partnerships (likely), that's another thing to hammer on as well. Also that the guvmint can do this for vaccine distribution but absolutely refuses to even do the half-assed shit other places in the anglosphere are doing to folks sliding into destitution due to the economic situation is another good one.

            But pretending like these people obsessed with plans didn't have one when they very obviously did just feeds into the handwaving libs do when we rightfully point out that they're all the same. Materially, they are--but there's no material analysis in 'both sides no plans'.

            • thefunkycomitatus [he/him,they/them]
              4 years ago

              This is going to sound a little more peppery than it should, but try not to take it personally.

              There's no material analysis in implying that Biden is accomplishing things already. Which is the point of contention in this chain. I said that when nothing changes they'll scapegoat Trump. I said that to say Biden is being slow or ineffective, will result in you being called a right winger. We know that because that's already happened with criticisms of the DNC in general. Democrats scapegoating Republicans for their inaction already happens. Things that do happen, can happen. It's not some wild and crazy prediction. It's an observation.

              We know Biden likely didn't have a plan until recently because he never talked about it in any detail while running against the guy who was botching the pandemic response. At best he said shit like "We're going to work on getting a vaccine" which is just nothing. That's not a plan. He hid all summer during the campaign and had noting to really show for it. If they did have a plan all along and just refused to show us, then that's stupid as shit and not a real defense from my criticisms. They effectively had no plan at that point.

              So I get a reply about how he's not being slow. He's not being slow because he signed a couple dozen EOs in his first two days. Even though I didn't say he was slow. And the person replying seems to be in that mode where they're critical of Biden but they also want to be fair and measured and say the correct things when he does something okay. Then you reply to me later with that same attitude. The libs will never, ever appreciate you for being honest. If you're honest, they'll make up dishonesty. They will hand-wave your criticisms no mater how measured or tactful or factual they are. Hence my second post talking about fairness. We don't have to say that Biden signing EOs is doing something. I can be super nitpicky and go through the EOs and explain how each one helps or doesn't. But I don't feel like it.

              Yes I'm being uncharitable to him. He doesn't deserve a fair shake. It's okay to be unfair to him. We know that the real solution here is a federal intervention that almost all of the government is unwilling to do. So any so-called solutions outside of that is failure. He's chosen failure. The vaccines are less effective than new strains. 100M vaccines in 100 days means vaccines will be that much less effective in 100 days. Because by then we could have a ton of new strains. We could have new strains because people are not being paid to stay home. Nothing is really shut down. And part of Biden's plan is to open up schools this quarter, ie within that 100 days. He wants to open everything up just like Trump and Republicans. Hence, nothing will change. Because they're all refusing to do the one thing that would actually dramatically change things.

              This helps the libs because we talk ourselves down on these issues. We've already conceded that Biden won't do a real lockdown. So that's off the table. Then the next best thing won't happen so that gets taken off the table too. Next thing you know our options is just giving out shots during a pandemic or literally doing nothing. He does the shots, and therefore that's the measure of success. He did the bare minimum. To expect or to criticism him for not doing more is unfair. It's like the Overton Window thing. Drag the conversation so it centers around these slight marginal increases in some metrics. But the problem ultimately isn't solved or changed in a material way.

    • CanYouFeelItMrKrabs [any, he/him]
      4 years ago

      I don't think the article is saying that they were surprised they had nothing to work with.

      This is a short article so this is all the detail we have

      Vaccine coordinator Bechara Choucair told reporters on Wednesday evening that the administration would create “community vaccination centers” run by federal officials as part of its goal to get Americans injected as quickly as possible.

      The Biden team is aiming to reach 100 million injections within the first 100 days of the new presidency.

      Additionally, the administration plans to issue federal guidelines to states on vaccine distribution.

      Hopefully these plans are at the 70% thought out level

    • CanYouFeelItMrKrabs [any, he/him]
      4 years ago

      Biden's having the federal govt set up vaccination sites and is increasing vaccine production. I think that would be an improvement

    • CrimsonSage [any]
      4 years ago

      I am not making a statement about Biden. Just surprised people though there had been a plan previously.

  • CanYouFeelItMrKrabs [any, he/him]
    4 years ago

    Vaccine coordinator Bechara Choucair told reporters on Wednesday evening that the administration would create “community vaccination centers” run by federal officials as part of its goal to get Americans injected as quickly as possible.

    sounds better than leaving it all to the states