Considering he's one of my favorite Trek characters it is really depressing to hear some of the really anti-lgbtq things he's supported. Not to mention the scabbing during the writers strike.

    11 months ago

    Not surprised. Actors are a weird bunch.

    Isn’t Mulgrew a flat-earther?

    Edit: she was tricked into narrating a geocentric doc and likely doesn’t believe in wildly unscientific bs.

    Thanks everyone.

    • Stamets [Mirror]
      11 months ago

      That is very true.

      As for the bit about Mulgrew, no. She did lend her narration to a 'documentary' that promoted Geocentrism but so did Lawrence Krauss, renowned physicist. Both regretted it. Kate said on Facebook:

      I understand there has been some controversy about my participation in a documentary called THE PRINCIPLE. Let me assure everyone that I completely agree with the eminent physicist Lawrence Krauss, who was himself misrepresented in the film, and who has written a succinct rebuttal in SLATE. I am not a geocentrist, nor am I in any way a proponent of geocentrism. More importantly, I do not subscribe to anything Robert Sungenis has written regarding science and history and, had I known of his involvement, would most certainly have avoided this documentary. I was a voice for hire, and a misinformed one, at that. I apologize for any confusion that my voice on this trailer may have caused.

      This is the Slate article she's referencing.