You're blaming working class people and poor farmers for invasions ordered by bankers and land barons? that's some moralistic bullshit - not Marxist at all, utterly useless for the class struggle

"I was just following orders"

back in the day, I literally worked with an old dude who was a Soldat (private) in the Wehrmacht in WW II. was he responsible for the Holocaust and World War II? NO - he was just some poor schmuck who got drafted

"nazi troops are workers" This is what settlers literally believe as they demand "unity" and "solidarity" by never, ever pointing out their complicity and filling radlibs with cognitive dissonance:

"The myth of the clean Wehrmacht is the fictitious notion that the regular German armed forces (the Wehrmacht) were not involved in the Holocaust or other war crimes during World War II. The myth denies the culpability of the German military command in the planning and preparation of war crimes. Even where the perpetration of war crimes and the waging of a war of extermination, particularly in the Soviet Union — where the Nazis viewed the population as "subhumans" ruled by "Jewish Bolshevik" conspirators—has been acknowledged, they are ascribed to the "Party soldiers", the Schutzstaffel (SS), and not the regular German military."

Maybe the reason why doing a basic Maoism 101 class analysis of America is "not useful to labor struggle" because settlers are simply not internationalist comrades like the Black Panthers?

Are you actually comparing all white people in North America to Nazis...I can assure you that W.E. Dubois and Frantz Fanon wouldn't agree with it. As well as Orlando Patterson. You're just being nonsensical.

I mean, I could compare us to any troops who stole land anywhere? Belgian troops in the Congo? Japanese troops in Korea? It doesn’t matter lol. Sorry I said Nazi and made you feel bad.

This has nothing to do with my emotions or "guilt" since I don't have guilt. That's a deflection on your part. Stay on topic about this, ad hominem embellishments aren't helpful and only show a lack of willingness to engage constructively on your part with different ideas.

soulless debate nerd redditors who use radical black scholars as cover for their imperialism think a Marxist analysis of America is "nonsense" and "unconstructive", I wonder why?

people with ancestry to settler-colonialists can't possibly be compared to those with active political actions in genocidal regimes, or imperialist troops installed in foreign countries. We're people that live here.

lol this dumbass just admitted that settlers are the passive side of imperialist genocide

  • truth [they/them]
    4 years ago

    I think libs have a hard time with the concept of destroying whiteness. They think it means exiling every pale skinned person or murdering them, not the elimination of 'whiteness' as an ethnic or cultural category. It's not about the persecution or moral failure of ethnically European people outside of Europe, it's about destroying the social structures created by hundreds of years of settler colonialism.

    • truth [they/them]
      4 years ago

      This is not unrelated to their difficulties understanding race as a fluid category, because they really like to essentialize.