How is that "invisible hand" of the market working for the maga crowd? :sad-boi:
polcom is legit one of the worst. i filtered that sub out cause i've never seen a good top post there.
I have a hazy memory that pcm used to be mostly lefties like 2 years ago, but the mods didn't ban fash so everyone but fash eventually left because obviously
i also just genuinely hate the concept of the political compass. it's such a weird way to think about politics and really don't find it helpful all that much. i mean doing a political test can be useful to an extent but these people base their entire identities around some shitty, flawed test and that's a problem.
Nothing villainous or horrifying has ever happened in the small towns of america for 400 years, no sir
I went and checked the sub just now and it is somehow way worse than the last time I checked 8 months ago, just completely mask-off now.
take a shitty grandstanding meme and put a layer of color on top of it
Love jetting to my petty bourgeois revolution rehearsal. And I get free PR afterwards? Man I love this country.
What did you think was four years you demonize them online shut their supporting Trump try to make their neighborhoods majority population, lock an overdramatized virus dollar check when they're Leftists have abandoned Trump got elected, don't folks into the villains.
Thing is, it's true. The heart and soul of America is white supremacist class collaboration. You take that away and replace it with historic wealth concentration and the gig economy for the petite bourgeoisie, you are going to have some angry people.
what extreme personal shittiness leading to self alienation does to a mf
Don't be a coward, Link to the original. Regardless what a fucking cry babay.