• 1 Post
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 22nd, 2023


  • Read the license. This does not conform to the Open Source definition, nor the Free Software definition.

    This is proprietary software.

    This software and associated documentation files (the "Software") may only be used in production, if you (and any entity that you represent) have agreed to, and are in compliance with, the Tabby Subscription Terms of Service, available at https://tabby.tabbyml.com/terms (the “Enterprise Terms”), or other agreement governing the use of the Software, as agreed by you and TabbyML, and otherwise have a valid Tabby Enterprise license for the correct number of user seats. Subject to the foregoing sentence, you are free to modify this Software and publish patches to the Software. You agree that TabbyML and/or its licensors (as applicable) retain all right, title and interest in and to all such modifications and/or patches, and all such modifications and/or patches may only be used, copied, modified, displayed, distributed, or otherwise exploited with a valid Tabby Enterprise license for the correct number of user seats. Notwithstanding the foregoing, you may copy and modify the Software for development and testing purposes, without requiring a subscription. You agree that Tabby and/or its licensors (as applicable) retain all right, title and interest in and to all such modifications. You are not granted any other rights beyond what is expressly stated herein. Subject to the foregoing, it is forbidden to copy, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell the Software.




  • Download the .deb and double click it. https://mullvad.net/en/download/app/deb/latest

    People seem to be making this a more difficult job than it needs to be. Yeah I get we're powerusers but can't we drop that for 2 minutes while giving advice so a new user can actually get a job done quickly? Windows EXEs don't automatically update either. Sure it might not be the best way to do it but it's fast and not confusing. (EDIT: Apparently this specific program actually has it's own auto updater)

    Things take time to learn. Throwing all of the existing knowledge of repo management at a new user at once does not work.

  • Adanisi@lemmy.ziptoMemes@lemmygrad.mlChina bad
    9 months ago

    You have just pulled basically every part of your comment from nothing. I wasn't going to say any of that, nor have I ever said any of that.

    I recognise you're trying to bait me into replying with the "if you don't reply, it's really because of x" tactic, but lucky for you I was going to reply anyways.

    Now, I can't speak on changes to the wider system as a whole as I admittedly do not know enough about the whole political system to make comments on change, however I absolutely don't want to maintain the status quo (not American, by the way).

    I will speak on the world of technology, and I absolutely think it needs change, everywhere. China, the US, everywhere. I believe technology and the dominant proprietary software now are predatory, anti-user, anti-community, and serve megacorp and government interests only. Hence the surveillance, which is done by both, for slightly different reasons (mindless profit vs tracking and crushing dissidence). https://gnu.org/philosophy pretty much matches my beliefs about technology if you want to read more.

    As a side note, I am very thankful for the Lemmy and ActivityPub developers for challenging proprietary software and dis-services and writing free, federated replacements, and you should be too. They are the reason we are able to debate here, and they're helping to fight the hostile tech landscape, one step at a time.

  • Adanisi@lemmy.ziptoMemes@lemmygrad.mlChina bad
    9 months ago

    I'm not pointing fingers saying anyone in particular is spying or being an otherwise evil party here, you've extrapolated that from almost nothing.

    I think you'll find I'm primarily critical of American companies as that's who I have the most interaction with and it's the most prevalent in my society.

    All I did was say that anyone who does spying or other nastiness on their users is bad, giving examples of two major players. And if you believe that spying and such on users is wrong, that's not an unreasonable statement.

    So either, you believe that this stuff is actually fine to do to users as long as it's "your team" doing it, or that it's wrong no matter who does it (and in this case, there'd be nothing objectionable about what I said).