Wait, where was when? - murloc

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 30th, 2023

  • This is purely a personal and recent observation, however I just spent the whole weekend at my Mother in laws house, she just had spine surgery that supposedly five years ago had a 75% success rate and included atleast 400-800g of titanium plates and screws. Recovery time at 6-12 weeks until she's at 50% moment. Not good.

    Instead she had 3 cutting edge plastic/ceramic/bone hybrid stints things with some kind of "tissue webbing" put in around the affected lower back area. As far as I understood the technique they used only became possible right before covid.

    She was walking 24h after. No longer needs a walker after just a week of recovery. Medical progress is going absurdly quickly. 20-30 years ago her issue would have left her paralyzed for life past her abdomen.