Thought to ask this after a pointless and exhausting argument with liberals who are convinced that Trump being voted out proves that liberal democracy works and that Bernie and AOC are going to fix capitalism.

Surely as capitalism continues to decay and it becomes clear that the only possible futures are socialism or barbarism, there's going to come a point where nobody is going to believe that the Bidens and Pelosis are going to save us. I fully expect most liberals to embrace fascism when that time comes, but I've still gotta wonder... what's it going to take? What will be the tipping point?

  • merthyr1831 [he/him]
    3 years ago

    Changing the direct material conditions of people suffering under capitalism.

    Mutual aid, community organising etc. were posthumously very well liked by liberals in regards to the Black Panther Party. They likely shed a lot of light then and now on how the state repressed universally good policies to preserve the hegemonic order.

    Not only that, but this is, in part, evidence in favour of theories supported by Marxists and Anarchists alike. Building a political party and thus a movement for liberation is more than just leaflets and phonecalls and elections; its directly educating people in person.

    Education of the political ends of socialism doesn't lend itself well to doorstep activism like many political orgs do. To build the deep interconnected relationships needed to foster a lasting revolutionary movement you need to build rapport with communities and individuals that go beyond electoral goals and candidates. Only when you have comrades coming to meetings regularly can you educate them on deeper theories, as well as utilise the solidarity for base building.

    Perhaps this is all preaching to the choir, but I think its important to note that the "Wizard of Oz" moment where suddenly the mask is pulled away from the state and capital and class consciousness spreads immediately is mythological at best. The war that lead to the chance of the USSR/Rojava/Cuba/etc. existing were only formed after YEARS of deep education and organising for people's direct needs. The state pushback was the escalation and catalyst for consciousness.

    • MarxGuns [comrade/them]
      3 years ago

      Yeah, seems to be like a snowball rolling downhill, gaining mass and momentum.