not just for the obvious capitalist evil reasons but also just because how much of it doesn't fucking work at all. no matter how much RAM my phone has it still can't juggle Pokemon Go and music/a podcast. my google shopping list just stopped updating itself for absolutely no reason. random shit just constantly goes wrong and there's absolutely nothing the end user can do besides hope a fix is pushed out that doesn't break anything else

  • JoesFrackinJack [he/him]
    3 years ago

    i went on a dumb but justified rant earlier about how there is goddamn fucking massive roombas roaming around grocery stores bumping into people right now, and they fucking talk to you, they pretend they are sorry for not seeing you but they literally cannot perceive you. how the fuck is a robot going to tell me sorry. that dumb machine will keep running into people until it is beaten with blunt object.

    • RowPin [they/them]
      3 years ago

      There was a robot meant to make a cross-continental trek; I believe it got all the way through Canada, started in Boston for its US trip, and got 30 minutes out before it was beaten to death.