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    10 个月前

    Who the actual fuck are you, and what makes you think anyone who actually has skin and blood on the line gives a fuck what the settlers think about how they're viewed? I've been saying from jump street we need our own nation apart from the entrenched settler before we'll ever be left the fuck alone; now you wanna police the thought and speech of the colonized?


        10 个月前

        negl sis I'm still tryna figure out what possesses these peckerwoods like-- even in western 'leftist' spaces, we can always count on some absolute kyle popping off some ridiculous-assed likenings to the NOI, to fuckin Black Hebrew Israelites, to the genuine opfors in our community, the minute we start really exploring that bad blood; we see it all the way up to the megaplatformed settlers like Vaush slandering us as 'genocide enthusiasts' and 'no different from white supremacists'. If we can expect this from even platformed settlers who genuinely fix their faces to call themselves our allies immediately after, then what profit is there in caring about what a single rank-and-file settler has to think or say about how we move from then on?

        How is this any different from the liberal misleader's "civility politics" and optics games? All I'm sayin is we're gonna see more and more of this wrecker horseshit the closer we get to 2024.