Comrade Black Red Guard reminds us that we are not communists without practice - put down the polemic pen and pick up the revolutionary rifle (couldn't think of a better alliteration, black red guard probably would disagree with this characterization lol) and get to work organizing the masses! Socdems, Trots, Anarchists, we don't care about an ideologically pure org we care about mass organizations and we can win when we go among the people and join leadership and agitate for radical action.

  • PermaculturalMarxist [they/them]
    3 years ago

    Socdems, Trots, Anarchists, we don’t care about an ideologically pure org we care about mass organizations

    That's not what BlackRedGuard is saying though. He's pointing out that a group shouldn't be sectarian and refuse to do mass work because they would be in coalition with tendencies they don't agree with. This is good advice, refusing to do work because of this reason is left sectarianism and abandoning class struggle.

    However, this doesn't mean that all these people should be in the same org. BRG is an MLM, he believes in there being an ideologically united party, working in tandem with other groups around concrete demands they agree with. Putting them all in the same party though would hamper the ability for the organization to act with decisive unity and leave it prone to factionalism and splits. Coalitions are fine, but organizations should be very careful with their ideological foundations. Otherwise, their ability to do this real work that he is advocating for can be easily compromised.