The gear don't and couldn't do anything. That is, if you wore hockey pads they would be just as effective as megalo gear. A little extra weight in the punch a lot more defence. Most the good force for you punches come from the legs. Having a machine that could at best twist your spine extra hard isn't gonna do anything but rupture your discs. The gearless gimmick really isn't that big a deal. It just proves how much the gear don't actjally do anything.

To that the whole thing is a mostly stage managed to be thinly veild advertising for gimmick products and the military industrial complex. So that is much like real combat sports.

The fighters are all socially maladjusted and routinely mess up the plans for no reason / cte.

that the sport is garbage that makes the show so much better. Plus the show is awsome in every other way, people just ignore this aspect and I have to weeb avout it. Also, gear are rad as hell and I want some.

  • Mablak [he/him]
    3 years ago

    basically this, I mean the gears couldn't possibly add that much extra force, or your punches would be lethal

    so they're wearing these heavy ass things that maybe could realistically make them punch 1-2 times harder, in which case what's the point?

    the concept would make way more sense if the gears involved armor for your entire upper body/face

    • FidelCashflow [he/him]
      3 years ago

      they could add no extra force. What would it push? what would it pull? When you punch you extend your arm and put some amount of your body weight is behind it. if it made your punches faster, it would have to be pushing on something. However, that would mean it is using your spine as a leaver to pull your opposite shoulder back, which would produce a crazy torque on your spine, and prevent you from putting your weight behind the punch as now it is a motion separate from your kinetic chain. In that case the punch would be weaker if harder to block. Which is not worth turning your spine into a slip'n'slide. As newton's laws meaning all that force would act back on you as well. if the gear was a full exo skleton that could touch the ground then it could work. we don't see those though.

      Technically the boxing gloves are small shields you use to protect your face with. So they do get that armor part right.

      If the metal goes over your hands it becomes like brass knuckles. in that sense the gear become like knife frightening. Where the point of gear is to block the strike that would otherwise cut flesh and bone. In that case there would be no use for the power unit. We saw a shitkicker use them like that. However his gear has dynamos on them. The little jet engines spun up to make the punch.... stronger? However, having a turbine on your shoulders would gyro stabilize them. meaning he would be even less likely to be able to throw a power punch.

      OG Roman boxing was like that, they worse cestus, big leather and metal boxing gloves/ brass knuckles. So, one punch could break a skull, so you had to be very careful about blocking he metal bits with your metal bits. it was a delicate dance very much like fencing. Not like boxing as we think of it at all really.

        • FidelCashflow [he/him]
          3 years ago

          I clicked on the first one and I didnt feel super impressed. It seemed like every single shonen trope combined with journeyman level cg. You think it holds up?