As a strong supporter for animals,

She loves having a job profiting off the exploitation of animal slaves

The film "Blackfish" is falsely manipulating viewers into believing that Seaworld is covering facts surrounding the death of Dawn Brancheau and, of course, the orca's known as killer whales.

The film is propaganda and not considered a documentary because it simply manipulates viewers with emotion rather than actual facts. According to the definition of propaganda, it means "information, especially of a biased or misleading nature, used to promote or publicize a particular political cause or point of view." As you can see, the film is clearly bias, and the filmmakers are using the film to promote their point of view. “Point of view” is the key word, they aren’t expressing their opinions, in the film they are clearly confident that the information they are presenting is accurate.

These so called filmmakers are pointing their lens at things and editing it together to form a cohesive ideological narrative, this is fake news

What most people aren’t aware of, is a big supporter of the film, PETA. For those of you who aren’t aware, PETA is an animal rights organization geared towards helping and saving the lives of animals. They sound harmless, but facts prove that 97.3% of animals taken into PETA’s care have been killed in one year.

I don't see you donating money to feed these animals, Karen. These radlibs who whine about a charity org being unable to fight capitalism are even more worthless and amoral than literal animal genociders.

The points stated in the film are highly inaccurate, outdated, bias, and misleading. Through outdated footage and narrative, the film portrays that Seaward collects killer whales from the while and separates mothers and calves which is false. The film also attempts to go into detail about the life of the killer whales along with how the trainers take care of them. As a student who has done countless hours of research and studying the health and safety of animals, also attending an internship/career camp alongside Seaworld,


I can firmly defend the work Seaworld is doing for the animals. I know for a fact that the animals at Seaworld are taken care day by day by professionals who have spent countless hours of training and getting an education in this career path.

strong Kamala energy from this, creepy!

I am hoping this petition will be sent to the CEO of Netflix, Reed Hastings, to completely remove the film “Blackfish” from Netflix. No, I am not wanting to completly ban the film, but want to remove it from the main souce, Netflix. I am hoping much success for this petition and that fellow readers and supporters will continue to spread the truth that “Blackfish” is indeed propaganda and not a documentary, it is "Blacklies".

ok Karen