This comes after Palestinian students were physicallly assaulted by Zionists

  • zifnab25 [he/him, any]
    11 months ago

    as a non Zionist Jew I feel totally safe

    As an American living in America, I don't feel particularly safe as a tall white middle aged man. Just walking through downtown and looking crosswise at the goon squad that is the HPD, and it gives me the willies. They're all just looking for an excuse to reenact some grainy video of "How to survive a knife attack" they saw during training. And that's assuming they're not drunk or roided up or feeling particularly angry at the world after losing one too many games of Candy Crush.

    Maybe after these freaks are done lashing out at me, they might come back around and say I was looking at them too Jewishly. Or maybe my facial hair and slight tan might trigger their "Arab-looking" danger sense. Idfk. All I know is that these guys are constantly looking for fights and aren't shy about lashing out at the homeless at every chance they get.