1st world libertarians who write for the idealist and non-materialist rag The Bellows...I give them a 35% chance of being fash lol

@Jacobin The government can build quality housing for everyone.

It can’t actually. The government can potentially be forced to build quality housing through working class pressure, but absent that governments can almost literally do nothing right

the white working class's militant protests in Philly had union support against the government plan to build public housing for black people because it would have ruined their property values. And of course these settlers believe themselves to be the source of all value and the blacks and women are just (((welfare takers who contribute nothing in their ghettos))). Why would first world imperialists be indistinguishable from nazis? America really is a parasitic genocidal entity like Sakai said

The Defense of Segregation in Frank Rizzo's Philadelphia PDF download link: https://journals.psu.edu/ne/article/download/60473/60376/

PDF viewer https://journals.psu.edu/ne/article/view/60473/60376


    • invalidusernamelol [he/him]M
      3 years ago

      Labor Aristocracy is a bitch Walter. The concerted effort to tie worker pensions and welfare to both industrial markets (401ks) and housing markets (Mortgages) has been a disaster for solidarity and distracts these rubes from the fact that every time there's a crisis, they're gonna lose it all.