No clue how some of you try to track the events of major conflicts. It just all seems like a stew of piss and vomit designed to spread disease. I can hardly read the NYT, guardian, wapost, etc. at all, much less read their war coverage. War itself is bad enough but adding in the perspectives of western analysts is just masochistic. I never want to hear a liberal of any kind mention hamas ever again. Im so sick of the measured intellectuals and their gratuitous condemnations of #violence ever again.

    8 months ago

    I'm the first person to criticize OSINT and the competitive posting of war footage but we arr truly privileged to witness this stuff in this era of "journalism" which consists of toadies repeating the state dept etcetera & people level headed & object-permanence-having enough to criticize them & relay that analysis for a similarly disgusted audience

    This is heroism and you're being smug. You're out of whack imho

      8 months ago

      You are a voyeur and you valorize it needlessly. I didn't ask anyone for combat footage with hardly any context. Go pretend you are on the frontlines and ignore the damage that is being done for all I care.

        8 months ago

        Yeah sorry for valorizing people killing the IDF instead of trying to paint their actions as futile and meaningless. Have you considered that it isn't and your personal taste has zero weight?