We got Iraq, Cuba, and?

  • 24324564745364253q49 [they/them]
    3 years ago

    DPRK from a leftist point of view would be interesting, addressing everything the US did that caused them to become such an impoverished nation with basically all its infrastructure destroyed.

    But considering the lack of any firsthand sources I doubt they would do it. How can you do journalism with a firewall like that.

      • 24324564745364253q49 [they/them]
        3 years ago

        I wonder if as journalists they'd actually be allowed access to speak to people in DPRK.

        They allow tourists, I imagine a lauded leftist show that speaks about revolutionary communist movements might be given some access to at least strictly controlled sources.

    • congressbaseballfan [she/her]
      3 years ago

      I think one of the things that makes blowback good is the sheer amount of humor in the American fuckups and personalities. Indonesia is devastating and horrible, and I don’t think there were any fuck ups or quirky personalities. Just pure evil

  • star_wraith [he/him]
    3 years ago

    Nicaragua - the Sandanistas, Contras, Iran-Contra, et al. It would be brutal to listen to but US Americans need to hear about the depravity of the Contras and the fact that they were essentially a direct military wing of the CIA and it was all signed off on by Reagan. The Ol' Gipper - who conservatives worship and libs see as "the last good republican" - was objectively a bigger terrorist than bin Laden.

    But if you're a survivor of abuse it probably wouldn't be good to listen to.

  • evilgiraffemonkey [he/him]
    3 years ago

    Haiti is such a microcosm for the worst of the global system. Would be interesting. I'd also love if they covered a sub saharan african country, they obvs don't get nearly enough attention. Like Burkina Faso would be cool, go over Sankara but also it's history more thoroughly (the english speaking online left loves using him as an example but I feel like there's usually only surface knowledge of the context). Or the Congo. But most countries in the region would be interesting and would hopefully open some people's eyes re: neocolonialism and why there's so much poverty in Africa.

        • 24324564745364253q49 [they/them]
          3 years ago

          I'd be interested to hear about an African country, if they want to hop from latam to another part of the world like they did from Iraq to Cuba.

          Libya maybe, I just watched a doc on that.

          Or Democratic Republic of the Congo and the assassination of Patrice Lumumba like they've touched on a little this season.

          • congressbaseballfan [she/her]
            3 years ago

            I take it Brendan speaks Spanish so less barriers to entry. Africa is a difficult subject because it’s not a uniquely American fuck up like Central America, Cuba. Or Iraq

          • congressbaseballfan [she/her]
            3 years ago

            I mean, someone could do a deep dive into the ways we have tucked up Honduras since the Zelaya coup to the point where there is a hurricane, government steals all the aid money, then there is a second hurricane, government doesn’t do shit. People with two story houses filled to the roof with mud. No help whatsoever.

            Kamala Harris: we need to restart the programs of the Obama administration to mitigate the root cause of immigration - lack of climate resilience

  • pluggd [they/them]
    3 years ago

    Angola. It could be Cuba - season 2. Loads of material on the clash of political systems, african colonialism, SA white supremacy and apartheid.....and ya still got fidel.

  • Ezze [hy/hym,they/them]
    3 years ago

    Grenada has a lot of comedy potential, unsure how you could squeeze 10 episodes out of it though.

    We’ve pretty much memory-holed Kosovo and the Balkans conflict, it would be interesting to get a deep dive on that.