Are they priming western populations for a conflict? It looks like a pretty full spectrum media campaign. I could become difficult for chinese people to operate a business in the west with dehumanising campaigns like this.
A large part of the Australian political class seems to want to go to war with China. The fact that they aren't in the dominant position anymore seems to have been a surprise to them.
Anything done to puppies is fucked up. We're effectively programmmed to hate anyone who does anything bad to puppies, and have warm feelings towards anyone with a dog. That's why copaganda features a dog so often, and why peoples feelings towards puppy cruelty are being linked to China.
I'm sympathetic to China, sure, but I'd probably walk out of anywhere with a camera above every table like that. The thing is the tone of the article and the timing, it's part a deluge of manipulative media. Western business wrote the fucking book on customer surveillance FFS, it's way too sophisticated to have visible cameras above every table like that. The tone of that article made my jaw drop no shit..
For some reason the story is focused on the people hurting the puppies and not the state officials trying to save them and prevent it from happening again.