
    • zifnab25 [he/him, any]
      3 years ago

      well, wouldn’t abolishing all instances of that involve abolishing sexual and even romantic attraction?

      Not unless you believe sexual/romantic attraction is predicated on a strict uniform appearance standard. Like, do you believe you can't simultaneously be attracted to a tall person and a short person because their heights are different?

      possible even self-expression?

      If anything, it would broaden self-expression by reducing the alienation one suffers based on one's appearance.

      Like sure I could put on whatever I want but no one would care, including me, why bother?

      It's the difference between change for the sake of self-discovery or self-actualization, and change for the sake of conformity.

      I legitimately don’t get the point you’re trying to make.

      Consider Michael Jackson. A man who subjected himself to all sorts of medical treatments in order to fix his problem of not having a uniform skin tone. The guy had so many nose enhancements that the damned thing wouldn't stay on his face. He went through a complete physical transformation in pursuit of the western ideal of white male beauty and it destroyed him.

      Imagine if every black man was just kinda expected to go through what Michael Jackson went through in order to appear acceptable to the general public. That's not a problem solved by dumping billions of dollars into medically altering a population's skin, hair, and face. That's a problem of bigotry facilitated by consumerism.