Gulag for all trots immediately

    8 months ago

    Whilst this is undoubtably a terrible take it should be pointed out that this is an article from 2010. I don’t think it was a good take then either but it is important to point out the context in which it was written.

    Here is a link to the full article:

    Sectarianism kills movements comrades. Anecdotally having been on marches and actions in London over the past month both Socialist Appeal (the local IMT branch) and the SWP have had a huge presence in support of Palestine. We must remember first and foremost to focus on solidarity and action in support of our Palestinian brothers and sisters, not on ideological purity.

      8 months ago

      It’s by the founder of the canadian chapter, who btw was only just kicked out after 20 years of being a sex pest, not for dogshit political positions like this one. I’ll be kind to trots when they do something besides show up to protests and marches they had 0 hand in organizing to hand out pamphlets that no one reads (thats what IMT does here anyways$

      8 months ago

      Interestingly to me, and aside from the positions of the IMT (do they support BDS today?), some dissident Israelis like Shlomo Sand used to oppose BDS on similar grounds, advocating instead for change from within. Sand has said he had to give that notion up in the face of reality, that Israeli society is simply too racist to change or be overturned except with massive pressure from without. (That's perhaps an idealist reading of the reality, confusing symptom for cause.)

      I think he says it at some point in this interview. Apologies if I've misremembered the source! If anyone watches, they can let me know. :)