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    • FidelCastro [he/him]
      3 years ago


      1. Permits are a crapshoot. In a decent city it means the cops wait a while to show up. In most cities it means you’ve tipped them off.

      2. Partner with a local org if you can. If there isn’t one then go for it anyway, but expect it to be a mess if you’ve never done it before. That’s fine, embrace it, prepare in advance, and be ready for a ride.

      3. Bring medical supplies. Designate someone as medic.

      4. Bring a megaphone. Loudest voice leads a crowd. The pigs are going to show up with fucking loudspeakers and you need to be ready to counter them. Get a megaphone with a strap.

      5. Don’t talk to the press unless you really know what you’re doing and are fine having your name on the internet. Do not give anyone’s name. focus on the protests name and goals only.

      The press is not your friend and typically has ties with the local police. They are almost always snakes unless they are explicitly working for a socialist zine.

      1. ! looks kinda dead, but has some good shit in it.

      2. Have fun. Protesting and other forms of direct action are some of the most important things you can do as a socialist in the imperial core besides mutual aid programs.

        • FidelCastro [he/him]
          3 years ago

          Gotcha. Good you’re aware of the comrades you have and where they’re at on their journey left. I’m sure you’ll do your best to keep those baby leftists safe.

          I was fortunate enough to have a mix of Anarchist and ML comrades who knew what to expect from pigs. Good group to stand shoulder to shoulder with.

          Other important point: leave your phone at home if you can. Your smartphone will snitch on you, often even if you can take the battery out. That’s not an option for everyone, but worth mentioning.