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  • Koa_lala [he/him]
    3 years ago

    I can't help but be skeptical about public displays like this. I get real "blacks rule" vibes from them. But, well yeah, obviously nobody here is supporting anti-Semitism, or rape for that matter and I don't think anybody will condone/defend this shit. Even if it wasn't somehow an OP. The footage is definitely used in one. What do you want us to do? Explicitly condemn every act of anti-Semitism that occurs on earth? Why? I am not an anti semite. It's low key equating us to anti-semites in a roundabout way.

    edit: whoops, condemn not condone.

    • borisjohnson [he/him]
      3 years ago

      As I said in the title, call shit out if and when you see it.

      • Koa_lala [he/him]
        3 years ago

        I'll call out anti-semitism any time I encounter it, the assumption is though that I don't or don't do it enough (because you suspect us being anti semites????). So in this instance it feels like a back handed accusation "but some anti zionists would do well to remember that". It's a frame where we are low key getting equated to anti semites if we fail to call them out, like they are a part of us or something. I know how these games are played.

        • borisjohnson [he/him]
          3 years ago

          I’m an antizionist but unfortunately I’ve heard antisemitic shit from other antizionists and I’ve been the only one to say something about it. Saying “don’t let your comrades get away with saying racist shit” isn’t playing games and I don’t know why you’re taking this as some personal affront

          • Koa_lala [he/him]
            3 years ago

            I don't think you are getting what I am saying.

            “don’t let your comrades get away with saying racist shit”

            You assume my comrades say racist shit. See? lol. it's a frame. No comrade of my is saying racist or anti-Semitic shit, or they wouldn't be a comrade and certainly not my comrade. You're doing the job of intelligence agencies to create a fake relation between anti-Zionism and anti-Semitism and make me responsible for their horrendous believes.

            Edit: I thought of a funny metaphor. So let's say you're a rower, and one day on the lake shore two other rowers get caught eating pineapple on their pizza, disgusting! So you and your rower buddies are like, ew gross. But then a person comes up to you and demands of you that you condemn eating pizza hawaii because you are a rower. And you are like, what the fuck does rowing has to do with putting pineapple on pizza? Of course we condemn that, and we don't like the idea of another rower having shit taste. But rowing isn't making people eat extremely gross food. Why ask us specifically to call them out on it and not those windsurfers over there, seems a little arbitrary? Are you trying to suggest rowers are somehow responsible for these abhorrent meal choices? Wait, and you are a sailboat enthusiast?

            • borisjohnson [he/him]
              3 years ago

              Dude I don’t know who you are or who your friends are. If they’re all cool, great! This thread doesn’t apply to you!

  • Shitbird [any]
    3 years ago

    i mean yeah shit going down with palestine def gives antisemites cover. calling it out prevents that shit from getting in the way of legit criticism of Israel

    • borisjohnson [he/him]
      3 years ago

      All I’m saying is if you see antisemitism coming from antizionists, as evidenced in the video, call it out. Shouldn’t be controversial. Antisemitism does sometimes go unchallenged in antizionist movements and if you don’t deal with it where you see it all you’re doing is providing an example for Zionists to point at and say “see, this is why we need Israel”. It’s also the morally right thing to do.

        • borisjohnson [he/him]
          3 years ago

          4 guys involved have been arrested. I don’t know much about intelligence tactics but it seems that would be excessive for an op. Even if it was one let’s not pretend that people involved in antizionism don’t sometimes say antisemitic shit and that it shouldn’t be called out.

          • pppp1000 [he/him]
            3 years ago

            Anti semitism is always bad. But why would you think doing this is excessive for an op? They literally framed Corbyn as an anti semite. That was an internet wide campaign. I am sure they spent much more money there than wrapping these cars and shouting those disgusting and horrible words. Intelligence agencies or even some of the pro Zionist groups have more than enough money to spread a narrative.

            • borisjohnson [he/him]
              3 years ago

              Because, in north London, I’ve come into contact with people who hate Jews and would say shit like this. Getting them arrested seems like it would be the excessive part of an op, or letting them get arrested if there’s no UK involvement seems too clumsy

              • pppp1000 [he/him]
                3 years ago

                What makes you think UK isn't involved? They did their bit with Corbyn to cause enough damage against being pro Palestine on the island.

    • Fakename_Bill [he/him]
      3 years ago

      Are you denying that there are antisemitic antizionists?

      You make a false equivalence. There can't be fascist communists because those two are mutually exclusive.

    • borisjohnson [he/him]
      3 years ago

      I think saying “if you’re out protesting and see people saying Jewish women should be raped, call them out” should be a fairly uncontroversial take

      • Shitbird [any]
        3 years ago

        i don’t think they watched the video lol