Have you ever been doing yoga in public and thought to yourself, "Hmm, how can I make it so more people are staring at me?" Well, look no further! These bubbles are the perfect way to annihilate whatever vestiges of spirituality remain in your yoga practice and turn the whole thing into an atomized, highly-Instagrammable spectacle!

These bubbles would find a perfect home in any yoga studio that has only conventionally attractive instructors who are required to upload their headshots to the studio website. WARNING: Temperatures can range from 35 to 40+ Degrees Celsius within the dome, even on a mild day. The fan is in there to help control the temperature by blowing air around within a closed system, as one does.

I think we paid Steve Georgiev ~$150,000 USD for all 50, but I am willing to consider all offers. They can be sanitized, sterilized, computerized. They are sterility. Act fast -- if I don't hear from anyone soon, they will surely end up in a landfill!