• cophatersupreme [she/her,any]
    3 years ago

    hey, sorry for the delay, i'm now able to actually read this, so: what i'm reading your take as is that despite being not as ideologically pure, china's current system is simply them biding their time until they can truly embrace communism without serious action being taken by the west. if that's what you're saying, i honestly can get with that- assuming the things i've heard about china are true, they're taking the western offshoring of manufacturing that would normally go to india, a fascist nation, and using it to ultimately build towards a socialist goal? that's admirable. the 'small military' point stands tall, too, but there's just a small thing that's bothering me: when you think about it, the way western nations compete with and bluster against china without taking concrete action against them seems like the western nations perceive china as a useful scapegoat, but ultimately an ally. additionally, one thing i will ask you to explain is this? i think i see what you're saying, and barring this it all makes sense, but that just doesn't sit well with me.

    edit: sorry if this reads poorly, i still feel weird. thanks again also for not being a debatelord about this, aha

      • cophatersupreme [she/her,any]
        3 years ago

        Oh, shit, I didn't know that. Terrorism is indeed bad, and I guess it's better to have a reactionary clique in charge that DOESN'T bomb civilians and claim it's your ally than one that does. The Pol Pot thing is way different, though- Pot was a primitivist who was funded by the CIA, so that's pretty awful.

        Glad you're open to being proved wrong, though, because I certainly was; I think I'm walking away from this with much less animosity towards China. o7 and thank you for the information, comrade.