Welcome to the Melbourne Community Daily Discussion Thread.

  • Rusty Raven @aussie.zoneM
    10 months ago

    Happy American Thanksgiving Day everyone. That special day where we all give thanks that, as Australians, we do not have two major celebrations in close proximity to each other, in the middle of winter, in a country with minimal annual leave provisions. As someone who works with the Fire Brigade I also like to give special thanks that we do not have any traditions that involve deep frying a whole turkey over an open flame.

    • CEOofmyhouse56@aussie.zone
      10 months ago

      I love thanks givin'. The littl'uns all running around the big ol' pot cookin' Mama's secret recipe turkey shootin' their bb guns and eatin pumpkin pie. Can't get no better than that y'all. Yee haw.

      • Rusty Raven @aussie.zoneM
        10 months ago

        Fried foods are always tasty, but, given how many people manage to set fire to a standard bbq, adding turkey fryers to the mix seems a recipe for disaster. It does make for some great videos if you like a good fireball though.

    • Thornburywitch@aussie.zone
      10 months ago

      Still, without Turkey Day, there would be no Black Friday sales. That has to be factored into the equation. Also, if you include Halloween, that's 3 celebrations in close proximity. Nearly as much fun as the Easter/Anzac/Labour Day constellation of holidays right here in Oz.

      • Rusty Raven @aussie.zoneM
        10 months ago

        That right - three celebrations. No wonder they call it the festive season!

        Once upon a time the best sales were stocktake sales, and there were smaller mid-year sales as well. Stocktake as a close-the-store and physically count every thing system has been replaced by ongoing inventory management, but the sales remain. I'm not sure when we stopped calling them stocktake sales though. The importation of Black Friday sales is quite recent, and with no stocktake involved the sales have really just spread out and become almost business as usual.

    • dumblederp@aussie.zone
      10 months ago

      fully defrost the turkey and turn the flame off when adding/removing the turkey seem to be the basic OHnS of frying a turkey.

      • Rusty Raven @aussie.zoneM
        10 months ago

        Making sure you don't overfill the pot so there is enough room for the turkey is also aparently an overlooked part of the process, as is making sure that flammable objects are kept a safe distance away.

  • Bottom_racer@aussie.zone
    10 months ago

    That moment when a seagull randomly realises you're eating fajitas on the beach:

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    And they say it's hard to make friends in your 30's.

    Come summer it'll be packed but for now it's bliss.

  • oztrin@aussie.zone
    10 months ago

    Ha last client refused service due to a mix-up so I get paid for 2½ hours of doing bugger all. I'm staying in my work pants until 3 just in case but I don't think they'll send me on another job if they didn't call me within the first half hour.
    In other news the first week has gone well and the people at the fill in job I had yesterday have specifically requested me as a regular. primp primp

  • bananafungus@aussie.zone
    10 months ago

    Today was my first full work day since shingles and holy hell is the fatigue real. I was warned about it, but boy howdy if I wasn't about to knock off I'd be cosying up for under the desk nap.

  • just_kitten@aussie.zone
    10 months ago

    Ah, that nice feeling of hitting 10pm and actually being well watered, well fed, happy with the day's work, done the day's chores and all ready for a JAM PACKED DAY TOMORROW that is hectic by any measure but more so when you've been a quasi NEET/hermit for a while:

    • 9:00 grab tram to pick up carshare car at 9:30
    • 10:00 visit terminally ill friend near Eltham
    • 11:30 1hr intense appointment in Eltham
    • 1:00 2hr appointment in Preston
    • 3:00ish grab groceries from MKS
    • 3:30ish meet a relative in Eltham
    • 6:30 dinner with friend near Ormond
    • 9:30? return library book in St Kilda on way back

    And then satdee morning I need to return the car by 9:30 (taking the tram back) AND have a coffee meet up as well... WHEW

  • StudSpud The Starchy@aussie.zone
    10 months ago

    So much drama in the office today. It was extremely amusing and bemusing watching a new staff member lose her shit at the Call Centre Consultant (I'm just gonna call him Milhouse) my work hired; she almost quit if it weren't for our direct manager talking her down and accepting her declining the new title they gave her.

    Now it is my title lol. No payrise, but you best be sure I'm bringing it up in another month (will be my third month there) and at my 6 month review. Milhouse doesn't realise I have worked under people like him before, and I know what I'm doing when it comes to this title they've passed onto me lol. I held the position of Operations Consultant for a long time, and while this isn't the same as what I'm doing now, it's damn close.

    I'm going to shine, hope they have their sunnies lol

  • bull⚡@aussie.zone
    10 months ago

    Sitting at breakfast overlooking the golf course just enjoying watching the old blokes walking around and their golf buggies following them by themselves like golf themed droids from Star Wars. The future is hilarious.

  • CEOofmyhouse56@aussie.zone
    10 months ago

    They have these at Aldi. It says on the tag Tough Dog Toy. That's a challenge for my little dog.

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        • Eagle@aussie.zone
          10 months ago

          I've had to hide a rubber Christmas Turkey up high. The little dog can smell it, and she keeps sitting under where it's hidden with the most pleading look on her face. I have to tell her no, that Santa is going to give it to her, and that she can't spoil the magic for the 9yo. She doesn't understand, she can smell rubber Turkey in a Christmas jumper and she wants to kill it! It's going to be noisy bedlam on Christmas morning.

  • Seagoon_@aussie.zone
    10 months ago

    Back from a walk in the park and errands.

    Didn't find any banksia cones. neutral

    gardener said I could have some iris bulbs they were throwing out. Win. ( I wonder what colour the flowers will be )

    I found $2. Win!!

    The coots have new chicks and they are sooo cute. Win!

    At shops. Couldn't find a picture frame to fit a new print. Neutral.

    But aldi had some frangipane tarts. Win!!

    Not a bad trip at all. 😊

    • Bottom_racer@aussie.zone
      10 months ago

      Banksia cone FLEX

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      Also a WA candlestick one (Banksia attenuata?):

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      Can't believe how much they sell for online.

      I just chuck them in the fire over winter.

      Apparently they're very good for smoking meats and things too.

      • Force_majeure122@aussie.zone
        10 months ago

        So pretty. I worked for a native revegetation company inbetween highschool and uni, and we go out into native bushland and collect seeds and pods. Banksias were some of my favourite to look at, but we'd be after the ones on the trees still. Got really sore arms using this elongated pruner thing to cut em off all day!