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  • financethrowaway [comrade/them]
    4 years ago

    It's just another distraction. I'm not going to moralize and say that someone shouldn't throw $100 at a meme coin if it makes them feel better. But it is creating another safe arena to exert radical anger without actually hurting anything. In fact, I'm sure the hedges and Wall Street love that these people are posting all their moves on the fifth largest site in the world. They know that thousands of people are moving in a certain direction. And not only that but it's also created a pool of marks for advertising. So it's just ultimately a dead end for any real sentiments about changing the system. It's not like we didn't know that or the people here who do it have any allusions in that regard. But there are people who do.

    They do this thing where they openly discuss why what they do won't work but then use that as a reason to keep doing it.

    These hedge funds have all these shorts in a company. Without asking why that may be we attach ourselves parasocially to that company. Because we got screwed out of $30 on a copy of Call of Duty once and that somehow translates to a fond childhood moment for some reason. Then we buy up that company's stock, and hold it. That increases the value of the company which helps the parent company and the hedges who back it. We keep holding so that the other hedges can't cash in their shorts for profit. Shorts expire but for some reason this one company is always shorted the most any company has ever been shorted. We know because some stranger online posted a spreadsheet of bloomberg terminal data and this totally isn't a bunch of laymen trying to decipher financial runes. So we hold and hold and the price goes up because we're the first people in history to learn about supply and demand.

    The hedges then crash all of our plans to defeat the largest financial institutions in the world by using some arcane financial magics to bypass the squeeze. So the fact that what we said would happen by a certain date didn't happen means we're actually right. It only didn't happen because the hedges we're fighting had a trick up their sleeve. It's not thousands of people playing telephone with hastily thrown together Robinhood screenshots and reading tea leaves through amateur technical analysis. It's an underdog story and if you're against the underdogs, then you're an asshole. We still have this idea that when a group of internet nerds put their head together, it has to change the world. It can't be a tremendous waste of time. If it is, then that means me spending all my life online means nothing. The underdogs have to win. We did it reddit.

    The diamond hands have won and regrouped. The price is going up again after the crash. Here's 30 stickied theads full of memes and theorycrafting about why what we said would happen will happen this time for sure. Sure, every two weeks our story changes a little. Since it's different people doing it we just listen to the last person who said something. The person who said the the thing before this last one was just wrong, not us for gilding them 600 times. But hey, we're right this time for sure. The squeeze is happening again.

    Oh no, it looks like the hedges are striking again. The price spiked but didn't go to the moon and reach $1000 so I could buy my mom a new kidney. We were so right on our DD so that can't be it. It must be hedges pulling their tricks again. We're not going to stop and ask why are we doing this if the hedges can easily defeat every squeeze attempt. Nope. It'll work we just need to keep buying stock and holding it. Which totally only makes us money and not all the financial institutions between our stock that we don't technically own because lolretailbrokers. And even though we realize that nobody can deliver millions of outstanding shares, we're going to keep buying shares that don't exist. We need to keep telling our enemy hedges exactly when we're buying and selling and what we're thinking on this public website.

    Also because this is my first and only experience with finance, everything is a squeeze. Bitcoin? Squeeze. Doge? Squeeze. A stock that's shorted 7%? Squeeze. Pennystock moonshots? Squeeze. Everything is GME. Everything works exactly how people on r/wsb and r/superstonk and r/doge works. That's how you understand a complex economic system ruled by powerful people, reading posts.

    And that's why people on the left, including myself, sometimes fall for these arguments. Because people of all political tendencies, who are online, think you learn through posting. That's how they were exposed to their politics and given the vocabulary to express it. So naturally a tunnel vision develops and these message boards become the center of everything. The real hot take for GME, that I'm warming up to, is that reddit had overall a very small impact. It actually wasn't DFV or r/wsb that caused the squeeze. It was going to happen anyways and they stumbled onto it. Just like the VW squeeze wasn't about small individual stock holders. The media picked up on it because they chase any internet meme shit. This is all a bunch of online people convincing themselves of a history that never happened. And they're writing themselves a new one as time goes on. I'm not fully committed to that idea but it's very tempting. If this shit doesn't go to the moon soon, then it's going to feel a lot more real than the version where reddit was right about everything.