I found an old 3DS lying around and I've got HBShop and other stuff on it, but nothing's really grabbing me. I don't really know what games are fun on it though, do y'all know any DS/3DS games that were good???
Ocarina of Time 3D?
Majora's Mask is better played with the original N64 version though.
No shit, I've actually been enjoying Majora's Mask on it, what's the downsides to it on there vs the n64?
If you have hshop then you installed luma3ds right? If you did then you can enable the cheat to change swimming back to how it was originally.
i don't know if there's more issues but they kind of broke the fast swimming mechanic that you get later in the game which became very frustrating.
other than that i also enjoyed playing this version!
Fossil Fighters, two games on the DS and one on 3DS
Kirby Mass Attack
Captain Toad Treasure Tracker is fun actually
Mario & Luigi series, especially Bowser's Inside Story
There's also a GBA emulator for the 3DS if you want to broaden the range of games.
Phoenix Wright series
Luigi's Mansion 2
Rhythm Paradise Megamix
Install TWiLight Menu to emulate a lot of consoles.
Picross (regular and 3D) are great on this, and Meteos still holds up as a unique puzzle game
Fire Emblem Awakening and Echoes, Kirby Triple Deluxe and Planet Robobot, and Kid Icarus Uprising are all solid
You gotta play the Yokai Watch games. They're phenomenal! Definitely some of the best games on the console. They're also some of the biggest, it's impressive how much the developers managed to fit onto a 3ds cartridge.
btw you should know that the 2nd game did the Pokemon thing where 2 versions (Bony Spirits, Fleshy Souls) got released together with a 3rd definitive version sold later (Psychic Specters). The 3rd game did it too, but only the definitive version got localized so don't worry about it.
spoiler bc long
CTGP-7 Mario Kart Mod
WarioWare Gold
Steamworld Dig 1 and 2
all the 2d Metroid Games except the one on switch
3D NES Classics
Shovel Knight and its various campaigns
Donkey Kong Country 1, 2, 3, and returns
3D Sonic 1 and 2
Shantae games
Adventure Time 3ds Games
Wario Land games
Ultimate NES Remix
Tomodachi Life
Hey! Pikmin
Poochy and Yoshi's Wooly World
Pushmo and Strechmo
Scribblenauts Unlimited
Super Mario 64 DS with Circle Pad support
You can also play fanmade ports of Sonic Mania, Sonic CD, Mario 64, DDLC, FNaF 1-4, as well as
I guess a few of the good music apps were either rare in physical or expensive on the higher end on the web store.