Nakoichi [he/him]

  • 2.69K Posts
Joined 4 years ago
Cake day: July 31st, 2020


  • Hey now I am of the anarchist persuasion but I absolutely do not think this way. Just look at my recent jab at landlords and how libs cry about authoritarianism but would never apply that standard to capitalism.

    Please don't mistake anarchism for the worst of our cohorts. I would not call you all genocidal because pol pot was a fuckin asshole.

  • Okay lets back this up a step, I made a comment pointing out the authoritarian nature of capitalism which allows the shit like what happened in the OP.

    You come in trying to both sides this shit.

    So are you defending landlords? Because this is obviously fucked up and the landlord in question (and all other landlords imo) should be dispossessed of their property which would be an "authoritarian" measure.